Nowadays, hydroponic farming gets high popularity over the world and the people in most of the countries have started to take benefits through the process of this newborn farming plantation. But one question may come in your mind that farming is favorable in India. Take a look below to get an idea completely.
1. Without soil – Organic hydroponic farming is a part of hydroponic farming that may be well popular in India. Both of the hydroponic farming no needs of any kind of soil. According to research, hydroponic was used in need of vegetables for troops on Island and it is the remote location in the Pacific Ocean. According to NASA, for the future needs, the plantation will be done to grow foods for the reason of astronauts in the space area where there is no soil at all.
2. Climate Control – Hydroponic or organic hydroponic farming will provide you the opportunity to control the climate especially, temperature, humidity, the composition of air and light intensification. As a result of that, you will have a benefit to grow any kind of food all year round not being bound in a particular season. That means, farmers have the freedom to produce foods as more as they want.
3. Complete water-saving process – Hydroponic farming is a perfect method in regards to the least using of water. In that regard, water comes to be used only 10 percent compared to the field-grown process. Plants will take up only the necessary water and but water comes to be waste through the system of evaporation and kind of leakage. On the other hand, traditional agriculture uses up to 80 percent of water from the ground level. Hydroponic is to be considered as a viable solution.
4. PH control – With the process of organic hydroponic farming, you can measure and adjust PH levels in the water while the water is enriched with minerals.
5. Best growth rate - You will get the best growth rate of your plants through the process of hydroponics. The growth rate that you can be able to control especially temperature, lights, moisture, and even nutrients. Organic hydroponic farming or any kind of hydroponic farming does the process of plantation with a high amount of nutrients. As a result of that, plants do not come to be any longer the use of potential energy mingled with nutrients in the soil.
6. No weeds – As you can have the freedom to do the farming in your bedroom where there is no touch of soil, the soil does not come in favor to grow weeds even at a little bit. You need to use any kind of labour from your side or you do not have to engage any third man to make your cultivation ground clean.
7. Use of insecticide in low amount – As the hydroponic farming needs no soil, there must not be any touch of weeds in your farming. Only the insecticide comes to be used to kill the insects which are grown in the soil. That means no soil means no insect and even no use of insecticide or pesticide. But to keep your plantation safety, you can use a little bit of insecticide.
8. Effective use of nutrients - Through the process of organic hydroponic farming, you will have 100 percent control over the nutrient foods which the plants need actually. Before planting, you can have the opportunity to measure the nutrients according to the demand of plants and mix them with the water stored in the tank. That means, there is none possibility of misuse the nutrients.
9. Labour and time saving – Through the process of this particular farming, growers no need to hire anyone for tilling, watering, fumigating and even the growers need not to use their own effort. That means, they can save their time and their labour. Farming is a complete technology-based but not traditional farming.
10. More knowledge on Technology – As farming is based on the technological ground, you will have an opportunity to improve yourself regarding upcoming technology related to farming. As a result of that, no problem comes in front of you when any improved technology you need to use for the latest farming.
Keep the knowledge about the latest farming and start to set up this one in your country, India.