Working with TIFAC
Barton Buzz

Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) was formed as a registered Society in February, 1988 under the Department of Science and Technology as an autonomous body.
TIFAC, after having commended Technology Vision 2020 to the nation in 1996 under the leadership of Hon'able Late Dr A P J Abdul Kalam also brought out Technology Vision 2035 (TV 2035) with a fresh perspective on technology imperatives for India in response to the major changes in social, economic and technological scenarios at a global level in the last two decades. The document was released by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri. Narendra Modi Ji in the 103rd Indian Science Congress on 3rd January 2016.
It was further mandated to assess the state-of-art of technology and set directions for future technological development in India in important socio-economic sectors. As a unique knowledge network institution in India, TIFAC activities encompass a wide array of technology areas and fill a critical gap in the overall S&T system of India.
The organization has carried out technology foresight exercise, facilitated and supported technology development; prepared technology linked business opportunity reports and implemented mission-mode programmes.
Vertical Farming study initiated by TIFAC
Barton Breeze has been working closely with TIFAC on the study on Vertical Farming along with Centre for Protected Cultivation Technology (CPCT), ICAR-IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
The recent focus of TIFAC has been to bring out disruptive technologies, that may impact on one’s life in near future in a completely unexpected way.
Keeping in line with its role of preparing country ready for adoption of upcoming new technologies, since last 3 years TIFAC has been deliberating on various issues of importance.
Based on the findings in TV 2035 vision document TIFAC is initiating studies on select technologies / approaches. One such study proposed is on Vertical Farming.
Barton Breeze’s CEO, Shivendra Singh is a member of Study Steering Committee (SSC) and has been providing valuable contribution that will certainly enrich the study.
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